On top of the world

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About This Image

My youngest daughter had lots of fun at the park on a nother beautiful Wellington day


Guest - Aug 04, 2007 09:09 AM EDT
Thanks for your comments Talsi. she is full of energy and pure enjoyment, so this type of shot is easy to get with her (the other 2 run when they see the camera coming out)
Guest - Aug 04, 2007 09:01 AM EDT
Great Capture - really shows her pure joy.
Guest - Mar 26, 2007 05:27 AM EDT
Lol. I have a super fast Lens, and the hair is glued in place... no, but seriously. They say "You can't beat Wellington on a good day", and this just proves it. This was taken at Oriental Parade, the entrance to our Harbour, and still not a breath of wind! Thanks for looking. Truthfully, this IS Wellington! No wind!!!
Guest - Mar 26, 2007 03:01 AM EDT
Bernie where is the wind lol. Well captured photo of Tiana

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