On the Road Again

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This road was once a major mining road a few decades ago and leads to the Cardiff Mine ruins. That water looks very tasty and cold, but I wouldn't drink it without filtering it first. The bedrock looks like rust, which is probably from all of the old mines throughout these mountains.


anne - Apr 01, 2008 01:57 PM EDT
A beautiful "curve in the road", the shadow forming a "happy face" - the lovely small trees (high-lighted), and leading into the taller ones - that are showing off the bright blue sky and that lovely white cloud!!! A lovely picture!
Guest - Jul 22, 2004 11:22 PM EDT
Cardiff Mine is up a side canyon about 2/3 up Big Cottonwood Canyon. It's near a well traveled easy hike called Donut Falls. Big Cottonwood Canyon is one of the main canyons in Utah's Wasatch Front near Salt Lake City.
Guest - Jul 22, 2004 09:15 PM EDT
This looks like my kind of road. I have been wondering, where is this place? I've seen other photos with the Cardiff name on them, but don't even know what country it is in.

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