Old Wood Plain

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Score: 37.3
Views: 5650
Member: TMR8
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About This Image

A photo of an old woodworking plain with bird house and shaving


I have a wood plain 19-12

Monique - Sep 21, 2012 02:28 PM EDT
Hey got this wood plain just wondering if it's antique
TMR8 - Dec 07, 2008 04:48 PM EDT
Alovely thank you so much for the revisit. You have bought a smile to my face this morning.
A.Lovely - Dec 06, 2008 12:35 PM EDT
I'm back to view this one. It's very well captured and of interest to me because I am so impressed with those who work with wood in one way or another.
Guest - Dec 14, 2007 02:16 AM EDT
A.Lovely thank you for your comments. I enjoyed setting up and taking these photos
Guest - Dec 13, 2007 06:06 PM EDT
What a neat idea! Very well done.
Guest - Oct 04, 2007 12:36 AM EDT
Alandra I forgot all about doing another one of these. I am away until next week. I will have to set it up again. lol My tutor also liked this one. I have got one more assignment to do and it is a big one so hope to have it sent off by the end of October then play the waiting game to see if I passed. Fingers legs everything crossed until then. ;-)
Guest - Oct 03, 2007 10:56 PM EDT
I like this too, Tania. very good. Also noticed the bird house,- didn't really "analyse" why it took my eye, - but have to agree with Steve, as feel the image will be better without it. Look forward to seeing your next version :) good luck with the course, btw.
Guest - May 01, 2007 04:53 PM EDT
Steve thank you for that. I will do it again without the bird house. I was using it to hide my husbands disorganised bench top. this is one of my course studdies so want it spot on. Thanks again for the advise
Guest - May 01, 2007 07:27 AM EDT
A great still life of the plane and the shavings. I'm not quite sure about the bird house though. I think it confuses the simple message of the other two elements. Excellent exposure control.
Guest - May 01, 2007 03:19 AM EDT
Lorraine thank you so much. yes we need to catch up soon
Guest - May 01, 2007 12:13 AM EDT
Hi tania, neat shot, I like this, we mst catch up soon.

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