Old Turtle

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Member: talsi
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This old turtle was laying it's eggs along the lake's shore. She would drop an egg and then take her back feet and throw some soil over the it and then repeat the slow process.
This was close by a popular walking trail and she didn't seem to mind the audience at all.


talsi - Jul 16, 2009 10:53 PM EDT
thanks Alex, Kris, and Don
whittler113 - Jul 11, 2009 02:47 PM EDT
What a great shot,did you mark it so you can go back and capture the little ones?
Kris10 - Jul 10, 2009 05:51 PM EDT
That is awesome that you were there to capture nature in motion!
donwrob - Jul 10, 2009 09:11 AM EDT
Very cool! Beverly, they usually hatch around September. You should try to catch them when they first come out. There is hardly nothing cuter than baby snappers. Don

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