Old Drip

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Score: 13.91
Views: 251
Member: Silverdebster
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About This Image

An old tap round the back of our renovation dream house still hadn't had attention. One frosty morning in July it made itself a little icicle.


Guest - Nov 08, 2006 05:29 AM EDT
Hi Mel :) The icicle hadn't broken off - it was growing upwards! That was what was so bizarre about it - an icy stalagmite. Renovations are slow but we're nearly ready to move there and work from within.
Guest - Nov 07, 2006 06:17 PM EDT
Hi Deb, a pitty the icicle had broken off - but still a well documented image! Hope you are doing well. How are the renovations going?
Guest - Nov 07, 2006 06:17 PM EDT
Hi Deb, a pitty the icicle had broken off - but still a well documented image! Hope you are doing well. How is the renovations going?

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