Oatman Burros

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In Oatman, Arizona the Burros run the town. They get to walk on the street or sidewalks. They show up in town from around 10am to high noon at the latests. They know when the tourist show up and that they can get some yummy carrots. They are wild and have been known to bite and kick. But I have seen them give out kisses. They have daily old time gun shootouts in the street, one cowboy got shot and was laying in the street when a burro walked up to check on him and gave him a kiss. The dead cowboy with his eyes closed came back to life lol..


bubbalinn - Feb 11, 2009 09:30 PM EDT
Hi Julie, Oatman is a must see town, It's like going way back in time. I hope you get to visit there someday.
JulieMetott - Feb 11, 2009 04:21 PM EDT
That is really cool, if Chris and I ever make it out west we'll have to stop there!
Guest - Oct 09, 2007 11:43 PM EDT
Hi Beverly, Thanks very much.. Oatman is a strange town, without the burros the town would die.
Guest - Oct 06, 2007 09:01 PM EDT
Nice image - interesting how they let them have the run of the town.
Guest - Oct 04, 2007 05:55 PM EDT
Hi Rosey and Don, Thanks very much for your nice comments. Yea Rosey they own the town and the streets. Yep Don everyone that visits and lives there feeds them. There spoiled rotten lol.. They are so use to people and noise that nothing bothers them from gun shots from the street shows, to Harley's rumbling through town.
Guest - Sep 30, 2007 07:22 AM EDT
That is cool Alan! Neat capture and place to visit. They look like clean and well kept burros too. Great shot! Don
Guest - Sep 30, 2007 12:09 AM EDT
What a strange thing to see these burros free to come & go in a town full of people.
Guest - Sep 29, 2007 07:50 PM EDT
Hey Ann, Yea the Burro got his attention with a lick right on his forehead lol.. I'm not sure what the sign says but I think it is what you said.
Guest - Sep 29, 2007 07:43 PM EDT
Hi Carol and Mary.. I'm glad you liked my snap shot of the Burros. Hey just drive on out here and I'll take you up to Oatman for lunch time. Carrots for the Burros is only a dollar lol..
Guest - Sep 29, 2007 07:33 PM EDT
LOL How wonderful. That cowboy got a sure awakening. Burro kisses. I love the color of the burro's. Does the sign of the store say, "Proveyor of Fine Goods"? Great photo.
Guest - Sep 29, 2007 07:31 PM EDT
An unusual capture but very nice. I like the story too, gave me a chuckle. Something I'd like to see too!
Guest - Sep 29, 2007 06:58 PM EDT
That must of been quite the sight to see.I woild love to see them. Carol

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