Note to Grandpa

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Member: sparkle1103
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About This Image

This was posted on the fence near the hospitals construction site. I thought it was so cute.


Guest - Sep 19, 2007 11:39 AM EDT
This is a good one, Janice. I don't remember what state I went through that has many similar signs along road construction areas. This is more evocative through the child's handwriting. A good reminder. Vicki
Guest - Sep 28, 2006 07:52 PM EDT
Great capture of the sign! Carol
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 09:34 AM EDT
Very nice message, sparkle. Alandra, I'm sorry about your 1st husband. Good capture of a cute and meaningful message, Don
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 04:39 AM EDT
no problem, Janice. I was just meaning that it's a great & meaningful message to make workers take care, and the reason I felt that way.
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 02:01 AM EDT
Alandra I am sorry if I brought up those memories again.
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 01:16 AM EDT
that is certainly a thought provoking message, and should make workers "stop and think". My first husband didn't come home safely from work, all those many years ago.

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