New fallen snow

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Member: Art57
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Fresh snow on the trees off my back deck.


Art57 - Feb 11, 2009 08:50 PM EDT
I agree Janice. One snow a year is fine with me. We hit 67 today, a nice spring tease.
sparkle1103 - Feb 10, 2009 03:42 PM EDT
Nice shot of newly fallen snow, but us Illinoisians have seen enough of snow for now. It is 63 degrees today.
Art57 - Feb 08, 2009 03:34 PM EDT
Good guess on the dogwood. It's my neighbors and sits at our property line. I love it in the spring when it's in bloom as my deck looks out over it. It may be their tree but I think I get to enjoy it the most.
donwrob - Feb 08, 2009 09:08 AM EDT
I like the way the Dogwood limbs cradle the snow in this one. Well, I'm just guessing it's a Dogwood tree, may not be one. Very pretty capture again. Don

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