Necessity Brings Inspiration

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Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

Having to store a cement birdbath from the elements
and having no room in the little storage area. The birdbath ended up in my diningroom corner decorated
in a festive manner. At this time of year anything that
stands still is going to get some type of ornament or
Holiday decoration. The red garden gazing ball seemed right for this area, too. lol Oh yes, and all those
pine cones just had to be scattered about, also. The
snow and the cardnal are the only phony things in this
photograph. Oh well, it's deck the halls and all that stuff.


A.Lovely - Dec 10, 2008 07:32 PM EDT
Hi there Carol, Whittler, Talsi and Jas. Thank you for leaving a comment on this photograph.
Jas - Dec 09, 2008 01:19 PM EDT
This flash of inspiration has enabled us to view this very pretty piece of photography. Thank you. :)
talsi - Dec 07, 2008 10:17 AM EDT
Very creative use of the birdbath
whittler113 - Dec 07, 2008 06:55 AM EDT
What a great idea for the holidays,great shot.
shutterbug - Dec 07, 2008 06:24 AM EDT
Wonderful Yankee ingenuity, so vert pretty! Carol

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