My House Dove

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Member: bubbalinn
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I walked out my front door and just happened to notice this Dove in our tree. To cool our house we use a swamp cooler so the front window is open and cool air is going out right to her nest, pretty smart building location :)especially with it 95 to 100 degrees here lately. Also she only has to go about ten feet to take a bath or get a drink from our birdbath. Dove sure don't build very neat nests, what a mess LOL... I added a snap of my house and tree where the nest is.


bubbalinn - Sep 09, 2009 04:48 PM EDT
Hi Ann and Beverly :) Thanks for your nice comments, glad you liked my photo. I've been looking into webcams and it's as confusing as camera lenses LOL..
talsi - Sep 08, 2009 11:37 PM EDT
Smart Dove - and cute image of her peering over the nest.
A.Lovely - Sep 08, 2009 07:48 PM EDT
Wow! Great capture, Alan. Gee, a web cam? I'd be glued to the PC all day. lol Sounds like fun though.
bubbalinn - Sep 07, 2009 11:28 PM EDT
It would be fun to have a webcam where you could watch the birds from your computer. I don't know a thing about them but I don't think they are very expensive.
shutterbug - Sep 06, 2009 10:39 AM EDT
Wow, a webcam. Im going to have to research that. That would be great fun to have one set up in our garden. If not to expensive im going to ask for one for Xmas. Carol
bubbalinn - Sep 06, 2009 10:05 AM EDT
Hi Alex & Carol :) Thanks for dropping by and for your nice comments. I remember other people being able to see nests from there windows and now it finally happened to me.. It looks like I will be making some trips onto the roof for a higher view.. Wish I had a web cam :) Well it's only going to be 92 today, I hope they don't get to cold LOL..
whittler113 - Sep 06, 2009 07:09 AM EDT
Thats a neat trick,an air-conditioned nest.LOL A great shot through all the branches and shadows.
shutterbug - Sep 06, 2009 05:20 AM EDT
Looks like the Dove is keeping it eye on you, with all that high temps im sure Mrs.Dove really appreciates the cool air to her nest. Great capture!

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