My Birthday 1

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My sixth birthday party. As usual, my best friend, Clifford Hall, is the only guest. I think we couldn't afford to feed a lot of kids, so, for some years I could invite only one guest.


Guest - Sep 14, 2005 11:05 PM EDT
Well, Alandra, I hope somebody gives you a great BIG party for your next birthday! I had a huge one for my 65th. People came from all over. It was SO fun!
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 07:24 PM EDT
that's probably right, Gary, re the Depression. Just wanted to say, that I always had gifts and birthday cards from my parents & other relatives for my birthdays, to mark the special occasion, - just not parties. So obviously I didn't miss the party thing, if it only just occurred to me now that I never had one : ) -- Probably as none of my friends didn't have a party either, on their birthdays.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 05:18 PM EDT
Thanks ladies. I'm the kid on the left. The blond one. I'm amazed that my mother arranged to have these parties for me. The depression was still going on when this photo was taken, so we didn't have much. That's probably why I only had one guest. I don't remember getting presents, but possibly I got some new clothes.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 03:15 PM EDT
another priceless pic! Love the faces bulging with cake : ) also noticing the plants in the background, looks like butterfly bushes (buddleia) arching flowerheads there, and perhaps some dahlias. thinking about your parties, suddenly entered my mind that I don't recall ever having a birthday party as a child. Growing up in wartime Britain prolly had something to do with that, plus the fact that my mother had twins 5 plus years younger than me, to look after : ) Strange that I'd never thought of that before tho, til thinking of your photos
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 02:57 PM EDT
It's great that you can recapture memories from your long ago photos. Very nice. I notice in all of the photos that one boy has short shirt sleeves and the other boy has longer sleeved shirts. I don't know which one is you. :)
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 01:39 PM EDT
Sooooo cute ,looks like you and your friend are enjoying Moms Cake. Carol

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