My Back Garden

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Score: 9.41
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Member: johnnyo
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Well it would be if I was the Duke of Norfolk.


johnnyo - Jan 14, 2008 04:48 PM EDT
Thanks Jas, this was part of our two month UK holiday last year. First time back in 30 years, bit of a change!
Jas - Jan 14, 2008 11:41 AM EDT
Oh yes! I really like the perspective in this shot; also the contrasting colours and textures, with the mix of stone/metal of the horse, to the grass, water, and brick/stone of the building. Nice work.
lorraine - Jan 13, 2008 03:43 PM EDT
Nice capture John, Since you have made such a good job of your back yard, could you nip around here I'll have one just the same please.

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