Mutant White Squirrel

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Member: Alfresco
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We see this white squirrel occasionally in our back yard. I think it's considered piebald rather than albino, because it has some color. It's much more shy than the "normal" squirrels in the area, and seems to be shunned by them.


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Barbara Deal - Dec 02, 2019 08:55 PM EDT
I have seen one of these twice in a local wooded park with a spring. friendly, playful. seemed it would get in my car where the door was open

Saw one today in the woods

Sasha Deveau - Apr 20, 2015 01:47 PM EDT
I happened to glimpse one of these this morning in the woods behind my house. I was stunned. Never before had I seen one. I got the binoculars, but lost it. What a treat.
Bethe - Mar 26, 2015 05:27 PM EDT
Where was this squirrel located (city, state)? I live in Olney, IL where we have a TON of white squirrels.
Alfresco - Sep 04, 2011 05:49 PM EDT
Thanks, Anne, for the comment. This white squirrel was around about this time in 2009 for a month or two. He was pretty shy, and was bullied by the other "normal" gray squirrels, chased off when he got near the bird feeders. We also had a mean-tempered little red squirrel living in our big Norway Spruce tree who all the gray squirrels avoided, they kept out of HIS tree. The white squirrel got too close one day and the last we saw of him he was exiting the back yard at maximum speed, with the little red guy about a foot behind him. He never did come back. Bruce
A.Lovely - Sep 04, 2011 12:13 PM EDT
Interesting info and a wonderful capture, Alfresco.
sparkle1103 - Nov 08, 2009 09:50 PM EDT
Wow what a cute shot. Love the colors.
donwrob - Nov 03, 2009 05:26 PM EDT
Very cool squirrel Bruce! I've never seen a piebald squirrel, only deer and a red-tailed hawk once. Very nice capture buddy. Don
talsi - Nov 03, 2009 04:53 PM EDT
Nice find and image
Dudley - Nov 03, 2009 01:04 PM EDT
Maybe the other squirrels are prejudiced against it.
Dudley - Nov 03, 2009 01:03 PM EDT
What a cute view!!

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