Music At The Park

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Member: bubbalinn
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This weekend the town of Kingman, Arizona had it's 2009 Beer n Brats Oktoberfest. They blocked off the street between the 100 year old power house that now has small businesses in it and a museum, and the park. There were booths with things for sale from toys to Betty Boop stuff, there was also different bands playing music all day long here and there. This photo is of three guys playing music by the old train that is in the park. I thought it was a strange set of instruments with a accordion, guitar, and flute, but they sounded great.


bubbalinn - Oct 20, 2009 10:11 PM EDT
Hi Ann, Well Thank You Very Much... I'm glad you liked my photo. When I walked around the back of the caboose I noticed the photo op right off :) I set my white balance to shade then waited until they were into the music and not paying any attention to me.
A.Lovely - Oct 19, 2009 11:01 PM EDT
You really have an ear for music, Alan? :-) I really do like the colors, casualness and composition on this one. Great capture!

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