Mountain Stream

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Member: azkul
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About This Image

This stream is at the bottom of Big Cottonwood Canyon in Northern Utah. It's one of my first attempts at shooting slow motion water, but I think it turned out well. The rocks in the upper right were over-exposed, which gave them too much attention, so I used Photoshop to darken the highlights.


Begun, the great int

Micheal - Apr 20, 2016 01:57 PM EDT
Begun, the great internet editocuan has.

This post has helped

Zariel - Apr 20, 2016 02:43 AM EDT
This post has helped me think things thgoruh
anne - Jul 16, 2008 04:30 PM EDT
In a quick first glance, I thought there was a red haired woman in a gray dress climbing out of the water. No, I was wearing my glasses - it is just that there are so many things to see in a picture if one looks deeply into it!!! This is a lovely one and the slower motion technique you used brought out so much of the beauty - I loved those Big rocks and small touches of greenery. Beautiful picture.
Guest - Aug 28, 2006 01:33 PM EDT
It turned out great! Very pretty capture. Framed perfect. Don
Guest - Aug 27, 2006 12:34 PM EDT
Gorgeous scene and you captured the smooth buttery look of the waterfall.
Guest - Aug 27, 2006 03:38 AM EDT
in agreement, it did turn out very well, especially the water effects and the lighting is lovely also. Very refreshing scene, and you can almost hear the sound of the water.
Guest - Aug 26, 2006 07:29 PM EDT
Beautiful cool scene, especially since we hit 102 again today. Our drought has really taken its toll on lakes and rivers in central and south Texas. Thanks for capturing such a lovely sight.

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