Mountain in A Puddle

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Score: 15.01
Views: 124
Member: Hellie1
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About This Image

Same autumn "Goldilocks" day (not too hot, not too cold, just right), the tide was right out & had left some interesting dips in the sand, some that had trapped seawater puddles. I happened to glance this reflection of the mountain (Mount Egmont / Taranaki) in a large one. Next time the tide came in the beach would change again & this tidal puddle probably wouldn't be there so I took a picture while I could.


anne - Sep 03, 2008 02:55 PM EDT
Sensational picture I thought. First - the fantastic beauty of the mountail, then all the busy little day things and the greenery of life and then, LO! the reflection of the "mountain - in a puddle!!" Really crative art. I loved it. Great picture, Hellie1!!
Karen Moen - Sep 03, 2008 02:34 PM EDT
Beautiful composition, Water always provides interesting possibilities---even in a puddle. It's amazing how much that volcano looks like Mt. Fuji in Japan. Same cinder cone shape I guess.
TMR8 - May 29, 2008 06:00 PM EDT
Hellie1 well captured the puddle adds to this photo. I love looking at this mountain and miss it now we have moved to the other side of the Island
Jas - May 29, 2008 09:34 AM EDT
Lovely puddle reflection of the mountain Hellie. As you say, it probably won't be there for long so 'grab the moment'! :)

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