Mountain Backdrop

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Member: lorraine
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About This Image

The view of hills and snow in the back ground on the road heading back into town from Foveran Station.


lorraine - Mar 14, 2008 05:56 AM EDT
Hi Alandra, in the summer the snow goes altogether, but in the winter it comes right down the hills and depending on how cold a winter also onto the road often.
alandrapal - Mar 13, 2008 03:39 AM EDT
lovely view, Lorraine. Does the snow come farther down the side of the hills in wintertime, as it does here? or does it stay about the same year round?
Guest - Sep 14, 2007 10:57 PM EDT
Thanks Tania, we had a great holiday, never go south with out a camera. the senery is just fantastic
Guest - Sep 14, 2007 10:34 PM EDT
Lorraine I agree the wide open spaces and the mountains are magical down south. Welcome home
Guest - Sep 14, 2007 09:36 PM EDT
Thankyou Whittler for looking in, the senery down in the south Island is fantastic, we went down for a holiday with our daughter and family but have come home to the north Island for a rest.
Guest - Sep 14, 2007 08:02 PM EDT
WOW!! what a beautiful view with the snow on the mountains,great shot.

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