Mother Raccoon

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About This Image

mother raccoon in our backyard. She was sleeping there, her 3 babies are under the woodpile. Believe she was sleeping over the entrance, so she'd know the babies couldn't get out while she rested : ) - smart. She was so drowsy that she didn't seem to care too much about me getting close enough to get these photos. Different when the babies are out tho' : ) She's a very good mother. When they rough-house and squeal when hurt, she goes to check them right away.


Guest - Jul 10, 2006 04:02 PM EDT
glad you like it, Carol and Beverly, many thanks
Guest - Jul 10, 2006 09:50 AM EDT
Beautiful animal, wish we had them around here. Carol
Guest - Jul 10, 2006 09:48 AM EDT
Fabulous shot. Good exposure, composition, detail and catchlight.

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