Mother and Child

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Score: 22.6
Views: 634
Member: May
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About This Image

Caught this while covering a birthday party for twins, 3 years old.

Mother is tall and very thin, and her face is almost gaunt, but not here.

I am concerned about the background. I need help from you with that. I'm not proficient in PS. So any you can give me I'd appreciate.
Have also done this in b&w.



Guest - Sep 22, 2007 11:43 AM EDT
The best way to deal with back grounds is to try to get the best of depth to field perhaps ISO, and aperture, and then shutter. But in this case I would use photoshop hue and saturation at bottom of layers pallet. De saturate the picture to your liking concentrating on the background only.Click on the mask square which activates it and then use black 100% and paint the subject only.
Guest - Sep 09, 2006 04:17 PM EDT
Nicely captured moment.
Guest - Sep 08, 2006 06:19 PM EDT
Very relaxing image, regards Vincent.
Guest - Sep 06, 2006 01:59 PM EDT
I agree with Don.Your eye is drawn to the main image(which is beautiful)All the more reason next time to take more than one shot,and pay extra attention to what is around your image before pressing the shutter.
Guest - Sep 06, 2006 09:40 AM EDT
A very nice capture May. I wish I could help you, I am still learning to use photo editing software and have a long way to go myself. It's funny, I was so taken by the beauty of the mother and child, that I didn't even notice the clutter in the background at first, had to go back and look at it. Again, beautiful shot! Don
Guest - Sep 06, 2006 12:44 AM EDT
it's a lovely portrait of pretty Mother and Baby. Beautiful, infact. Have no training in this, so someone else might disagree or have other ideas, and also, I use Paint Shop ProX, - but my feeling is that I'd use the clone tool to get rid of all the items behind the baby, on the couch, and elsewhere. In one of my recent Jay shots, there was a lot of stuff that I cloned out, part of 2 other bird feeders and some "arms" of the feeder pole, and I got rid of all of it with the clone tool. You can adjust the size of the tool, - for large expanses, increase the size, and do them first (at least, that's how I approach it). Then decrease the size of the clone tool, and get in close to the edges and remove the remainder of the unwanted colour etc. You need a steady hand when you get to the outlines of the people, or birds or whatever : ) - but my feeling is that your image here would be quite a good one to work on. good luck with it.

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