Moth Art

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Score: 17.73
Views: 144
Member: donwrob
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About This Image

Well, this was fun. I stayed up until 1:00AM and shot 400+ moth trail photos at an event I attended over the weekend. This is probably my favorite, the one moth was nice enough to draw me a smiley face. a luck shot for sure. Thanks for looking. Don


whittler113 - Sep 17, 2008 05:19 PM EDT
Whodathunkit,what a great shot.
Zoya - Sep 16, 2008 11:39 PM EDT
what a neat concept and a wonderful photo. i love the "smiley face"
bubbalinn - Sep 15, 2008 02:26 PM EDT
Great idea Don! and a really fun photo... I've taken some of a airplane at night, never thought about the little airplanes :)
talsi - Sep 15, 2008 10:45 AM EDT
Very interesting - would never have thought to photograph something like that.

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