Moose River Mega close up

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Score: 17.45
Views: 197
Member: JulieMetott
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About This Image

Talk about a balancing act, but the color of the rocks, light and sweep of the river were irresistable!


azkul - Apr 04, 2009 12:04 AM EDT
I like this image a lot. The smooth water is almost abstract. There's just enough rough definition of the rocks that balance against the smoothness of the flowing water.
JulieMetott - Jan 21, 2009 09:03 AM EDT
No, this one is flowing through Lyonsdale, NY. It actually begins from two sources in the Adirondack Moutains and empties into the Black River at Lyons Falls.
Zoya - Jan 20, 2009 11:54 PM EDT
Is this Moosse River in VT, what a great shot

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