Moon Phasing Device

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Member: donwrob
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About This Image

Rarely seen, and even less frequently photographed. The working wheels and gears of a typical moon phasing device. Not quite as complicated as one would guess. Thanks for looking, Don


Guest - Oct 20, 2007 02:25 PM EDT
Love this photo!!
Guest - Feb 24, 2007 02:55 AM EDT
This device pops up on the first page on google, better have some explaining to do? We are still getting a kick out of this one.
Guest - Feb 24, 2007 01:32 AM EDT
What the... Could not stop laughing cause I thought this Don guy was some kind of a High tech photo guru for a second. Good one don. your moon shots are cool. Will
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 06:42 PM EDT
This makes me laugh,and was done in good spirit,I like your creativeness, regards Vince
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 01:16 PM EDT
Guest - Sep 29, 2006 12:44 PM EDT
OK, now that I'm feeling better. 1st, thanks for the nice comments Mary, Alandra & Meridianz. I think I was just overly bored and got carried away a little. It was fun to do though. Thanks again guys! :-) Don
Guest - Sep 29, 2006 12:01 AM EDT
Don, I thought it was a moon phasing device. I actually googled moon phasing device before I commented to see what you meant and it looks similar to some pictures I saw....well it is creative thinking on your part and I still think it's an interesting photo! Not goofy at all!!! >>> I don't know what I was thinking?<<<<<<< It's called CREATIVE THINKING :)
Guest - Sep 28, 2006 11:44 PM EDT
Dont apologize for this photo Don. Your idea was very imaginative, very creative and very cool in my opinion!
Guest - Sep 28, 2006 04:20 AM EDT
haha, it looked pretty interesting to me too : )
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 03:20 PM EDT
Mary, you'll have to forgive me. It was an attempt at making it look like the device was actually part of the moon. I am off work with a bad cold/cough sinus infection thing, a little wacky from drinking dayquil like coolaid I suppose, and desperate for an entry for the wheels contest. The device is actually the timer on our water softner that regulates the amount of salt and regeneration time. Sorry for such a goofy photo. I don't know what I was thinking? :-) Don
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 01:05 PM EDT
Interesting photo of the device against the moon background. Do you use it when planning your moon shots?

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