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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

I was out watering the plants when this Monarch stopped by for a drink. I ran and grabbed my camera and lucked out getting a few photos. I think it was tired and thirsty from fighting the wind. I'm surprised I got this photo, it was hanging onto the branch for dear life with the wind blowing it around.


bubbalinn - Jul 29, 2010 12:38 PM EDT
Hi Ann and Jim, Thanks very much for dropping by and leaving your nice comments... Hey Jim, good luck I hope they show up for ya. I have not seen any since this one.
thrutheglassphotography - Jul 21, 2010 08:01 PM EDT
Nice photo Alan. I have not seen a lot of Monarchs this year. I hope to get me some soon . Jim
A.Lovely - Jul 21, 2010 06:39 PM EDT
Beautiful capture, Alan. Yes, it's wings have been ruffed up a bit.
bubbalinn - Jul 21, 2010 10:21 AM EDT
Thanks Beverly :) I was surprised I got this one, the wind was really blowing.
talsi - Jul 20, 2010 09:38 PM EDT
Nice image and sharp for it being windy.
bubbalinn - Jun 21, 2010 03:19 PM EDT
Thanks for your nice comment Bruce :) I noticed it's wings looking a tad ragged. I think it was the wind, it's easy to get across the border.
Alfresco - Jun 21, 2010 12:00 AM EDT
Nice capture! The poor guy looks like he had a rough flight from Mexico, his wings look a bit tattered. Maybe had a hard time getting across the border ;-)

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