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A Monarch on a Rose. I am debating if I should crop the roses on the right. I've had one person state that thery are distracting. Any opinion is appreciated!!!


If a picture pniats

Marihel - Oct 13, 2015 03:33 PM EDT
If a picture pniats a thousand words then why can't i paint you .But Yin just did. You took half a second to capture the moment but says so much about the picture. I choked with words when i first look at the picture, especially the first black and white. Feel touching, warm ,thankful.Well done!!
Guest - Dec 13, 2007 04:20 PM EDT
A very nice image just as it is. I took the liberty of pasting it into an editing program and playing with various 8X10 crops, none of which made any improvement. IMO, the unopened buds on the right provide some context for the rest of the image, and no detriment.
Guest - Jun 24, 2006 02:48 AM EDT
The 'empty' green area (negative space) gives the butterfly an extra point, that it's about to lift up into the air and there's somewhere for it to fly to. I think the other roses balance this negative area and also add some extra support to the rose colouring, and interest. It's very cliche just to have your main subject fill the entire space.. so I wouldn't crop it if it were mine.
Guest - Jun 06, 2006 06:25 PM EDT
Another beautiful shot. Do you know what kind of rose this is. It is a lovely color.
Guest - Jun 06, 2006 08:10 AM EDT
This is a lovely photo as it is. However, I can also see it cropped to just the rose and butterfly with some of the balck on the top also cropped out. Try it out on a copy and see what you think.
Guest - Jun 05, 2006 08:02 PM EDT
WOW!! great shot,I wouldn't crop it,I think if you did,the rose would overpower the butterfly...but you decide.
Guest - Jun 05, 2006 05:44 PM EDT
Beautiful photo!!! Carol
Guest - Jun 05, 2006 04:38 PM EDT
Beautiful Monarch and lovely roses. --you asked about the rose buds on the right, - my eyes were drawn to the butterfly. It's really up to you, what "you" interpret as being artistic, right? You could try cropping the buds out and see if you like it better that way. To me, the rose buds add to the entire photo. I'd also try it with just leaving the main rosebud at the side, in the frame, and deciding what you think of it that way. Good luck with your decision, - it's lovely every way.

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