Monarch Siblings

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Member: Hellie1
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I thought these two looked quite comical, it's as if the little guy was saying "Wow, is THAT what happens when I grow up? Does the blood rush to your head when you do that?". Once the 'hanger' turned into a chrysalis, I had to save him from the other caterpillars who were devouring the swan plant out from under him! It's now totally devoid of foliage & they've started eating the branches. Lol, that's a SERIOUS case of the munchies!


TMR8 - Dec 08, 2008 03:38 AM EDT
I agree Wow this is a fantastic capture with the 2 different stages together. Very clear photo
Hellie1 - Sep 11, 2008 07:03 AM EDT
Thanks for your comments Karenmoen. I don't specifically raise them but I grow the swan plants in my garden to attract the butterflies. Any crysalis's that look in danger of being eaten off their perches by voracious feeding, I take inside on their leaf/branch & tape them to a branch so that they can hatch out in safety. It's not uncommon in 'monarch season' to come home from work & find several butterflies that have hatched out fluttering on my curtains. I just let them walk onto my hand & take them outside to fly away. My mum has been hatching monarchs since I was a kid so I think my love of them came from there. I think they're just gorgeous & each one is a miniature miracle of nature, really. I can't wait for summer & monarch season to come around again. :o)
Karen Moen - Sep 08, 2008 03:29 AM EDT
An amazing image to capture the two caterpillars in two different stages. Lucky you and thanks for sharing with us! Are you raising the butterflies?
bubbalinn - Sep 07, 2008 11:19 AM EDT
Great capture of the Monarch Siblings showing off there cool stripes and fun story about them.
talsi - Sep 07, 2008 11:00 AM EDT
Nice caapture - good composition

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