Monarch Butterfly

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Score: 21.95
Views: 444
Member: Lulu
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About This Image

We went to a park and there were literally hundreds of monarch butterflies swarming these pretty flowers. Since we had our cameras, we just had to stop and take a few photos. This photo was the pick of the day.


Guest - Aug 08, 2006 05:27 AM EDT
Thanks Lissab. What a lovely comment and very much appreciated.
Guest - Aug 07, 2006 11:35 PM EDT
Beautiful photo and incredible colors!
Guest - Apr 05, 2006 03:45 PM EDT
Thanks Alandra. I'm thinking that if I looked closer around me, I would have found some swan plants that the caterpillars grow on. It was nice to see the contrast of the butterfly on these pretty purple flowers. We were able to get really close (so this photo is in its original state) as they sunned their wings. I suspect that these were just new butterflies.
Guest - Apr 05, 2006 06:07 AM EDT
truly beautiful, Lulu, am late with this comment. The butterfly wings are just like stained glass in a window. Know what you mean re so many all in one place, as this happened to us one late summer with dragonflies, down in a field near the local beach. there were loads of them, feasting on the blackberries, we realized once we looked closer.
Guest - Apr 05, 2006 04:24 AM EDT
Thanks Karen. They sure are beautiful butterflies. Was so surreal to see so many of them in one area. Usually we have to go hunting for them and then they don't stay still long enough to photograph.
Guest - Apr 04, 2006 07:59 PM EDT
Beautiful color and sharp detail.

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