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Member: Alfresco
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About This Image

We had seen this horse several times over the winter, always standing just like this, in all kinds of weather, including rain, snow, and very cold temperatures. I finally photographed it with the intent of getting the Humane Society after the owner. I have always felt badly that I didn't follow through with it, but perhaps someone else did since the horse was gone a couple months later. The following year we saw a very similar horse on another nearby farm, looking well fed and groomed but a bit scruffy, and sort of out of place among a group of big, beautiful Belgians; I like to think it might have been the same one, rescued by someone with the capability to care for it.


lorraine - Jul 03, 2008 11:12 PM EDT
This is so sad, how could anyone leave an animal in such a terrible state for so long, I remember seeing one once where it's feet curled, but I dont remember where, How can people willing let an animal suffer. I hope that this guy was rescued and given a better life.
Karen Moen - Jul 03, 2008 08:50 PM EDT
This image made me cringe. I'm guessing that this horse disappeared because it dies or was sold to a slaughter. Really sad situation The title is appropriate.

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