Mirror reflection

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Member: orchidea_blue
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About This Image

Hi I have seen someone's shot similar or even better than this one, what do you think of it? I want to submit it in a local photo club contest, constructive critiques appreciated... Many thanks.


Guest - Jan 19, 2007 01:33 PM EDT
Hi Don I did try your way to rotate but then the junction of this clove is kind of off center and I really don't see the point of it, but your suggestion is good for another of my experimenting shot that I will post next week, Thanks to all and have a super - duper weekend. Ciao Ciao
Guest - Jan 18, 2007 06:23 PM EDT
WOW!! very nice as it is,I don't like typing either.
Guest - Jan 17, 2007 03:23 AM EDT
I like the image very much, it is a pleasing composition. I happen to be a garlic lover too :-). The only thing I might have done would have been to rotate it slightly to the left (counter clockwise), so the garlic was directly above its reflection. I find myself tilting my head to the right to try and line them up straight. I am one of those crazy people that can't stand to see a picture hanging a little tilted on a wall and must straighten them up all the time. Are you sorry you asked for input now? LOL, I'll be curious to see if others feel the same way. It is really nice the way it is though, don't get me wrong. I just thought I'd breakdown and give constructive commenting a go. I still don't like doing it, too much typing involved :-). Don

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