Minniss 1859

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About This Image

This photo was taken in 1859. My great uncle, Nathan Silas Minniss is on the left. My grandfather, Jaduthan Fuller Minniss is on the right. They were brothers. Nathan was 21 and Dew (that was his nickname) was 10 here. The story on this is that a lady in PA bought a small frame in an antique store. When she removed the photo, it had a note behind it. The note gave the above information. It also said that the photo was for Nathan Salsbury Minniss, son of Jaduthan and namesake of Nathan Silas. Nathan Salsbury Minniss was my father. I'm sure he never saw the photo. The husband of the lady who found the photo contacted me by email and sent the glass plate photo. The kindness of strangers, indeed!


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I've been lonoikg fo

Lorrie - Apr 20, 2016 07:02 AM EDT
I've been lonoikg for a post like this for an age
Guest - Dec 16, 2007 07:35 PM EDT
Thank you Johnson. I'm sorry. I wish I could shed some light on this, but I can't. Since Minniss is an unusual name, there is probably a connection.
Guest - Aug 27, 2007 02:22 PM EDT
I had a great grandfather named John Minniss Johnson born in Odessa Delaware about 1860 and died in Baltimore, Md. 1n 1932.Would you have any clues as to whether he was related to "your" Minnisses? Thanks for any light you can shed in this direction. Johnson Fortenbaugh, Jr.
Guest - Mar 14, 2005 02:22 AM EDT
Thanks Maya. I like these old pictures too. This is the oldest one I have. 1859 was really in the early days of photography.
Guest - Mar 13, 2005 07:59 PM EDT
I like such old portrait!
Guest - Jan 13, 2005 10:07 PM EDT
You bet! It surely did make my day. I sent scanned copies to my sons in Calif. They are very excited about it too. They are both interested in family history. It is very interesting to me that the note said the photo was meant for my father, yet it was never sent to him. I am greatly curious about who wrote the note. Jaduthan was born and raised in PA and the photo was discovered in PA, so there is a tie-in there. There are a lot of people by the name of Minnis (the original name) in that area, so I assume someone from the family wrote the note. But I sure would like to know who that was.
Guest - Jan 13, 2005 09:37 PM EDT
Thats a great picture, I'll bet that just "Made your Day" when you saw it.WOW !!! Thats great.
Guest - Jan 13, 2005 01:59 PM EDT
You were so lucky to get the picture and what a nice Lady to have given it to you. Carol
Guest - Jan 13, 2005 04:30 AM EDT
That is a great story. It is great to have pictures of our ancestors.
Guest - Jan 13, 2005 04:27 AM EDT
how very interesting, and how very lucky that the person found that note behind the photo, and took the time and trouble to get these family treasures back to you! Incredible. To anyone interested in Family History, this is such a great story : )

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