Male Hummer

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Score: 13.9
Views: 118
Member: v_koski
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Persistence is the key with these guys!


v_koski - Dec 02, 2009 11:12 PM EDT
Thanks for the comment and info!!
alandrapal - Nov 30, 2009 11:05 PM EDT
Great shot. Am agreeing with Don that this is probably an Anna's hummingbird, male. I believe the Ruby Throated hummingbirds don't travel as far west as California. I live in British Columbia, Canada, and the Anna's overwinter here - we've just started having one visiting our gardens during the past week, so I hung nectar out front and back for it/them. The one visiting us is a female I think, as it just has a touch of red on its gorget.
v_koski - Oct 04, 2009 08:16 PM EDT
Interesting! Thanks for the info!
donwrob - Oct 04, 2009 08:20 AM EDT
Great shot of the hummer V-Koski! Really nice. But this is not a Ruby throated humming bird like we have here in the East. I believe it might be an Anna's hummingbird. A ruby doesn't have any flash color on top of his head, only on the throat patch. Like I said, Great shot of a real beauty! Don
v_koski - Oct 03, 2009 08:05 AM EDT
Thanks everyone! I've followed him around the yard quite a bit and have taken lots of garbage shots before getting this one! Acutally Carol, this is a Ruby. When they turn their heads just right, the color pops out!
whittler113 - Oct 02, 2009 04:31 PM EDT
What a beauty,great shot.
bubbalinn - Oct 02, 2009 02:24 PM EDT
This sure is a Beautiful photo!! I've been trying all summer to get a shot of the hummers around here with no luck.
shutterbug - Oct 02, 2009 05:04 AM EDT
Beautiful hummer,we only have ruby throated hummers here in Maine. I would love to see this kind. Carol

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