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Score: 17.56
Views: 537
Member: Karen Moen
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About This Image

Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas.


Guest - Jul 15, 2006 01:11 PM EDT
Nice Portrait. He looks like he is smiling at you.
Guest - Oct 20, 2005 07:00 PM EDT
They provided a nice grassy area where mom could roll and play with her baby. She seemed to be very gentle. I see kindness and calmness in her eyes. I must have reminded her of someone she knew because she seemed to focus on me...and no I don't look like her! lol!
Guest - Oct 20, 2005 08:33 AM EDT
What a wonderful portrait Karen. There is so much expression in the eyes of these animals they really do seem almost human. I hope they are in an area where there is a lot of room to move around and explore.
Guest - Oct 19, 2005 05:11 PM EDT
I think she wants to be free. This photo brings tears...something so sad in her look.
Guest - Oct 19, 2005 04:30 PM EDT
Thanks for all your kind remarks. It was strange because she walked right up to the glass window and looked me in the eyes. It was eerie. She's the mother of the baby.
Guest - Oct 19, 2005 10:31 AM EDT
Beautiful portrait. I get a feeling of extreme sadness when looking at this photo.
Guest - Oct 19, 2005 08:26 AM EDT
This guy is certainly not camera shy!
Guest - Oct 19, 2005 07:38 AM EDT
Don't monkey around!! You hit us with a great shot of the face. It looks almost human.

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