Make A Wish

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Member: Doug Hough
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About This Image

While visiting my daughter in here NW Illinois, we were driving through the rolling hills here and admiring the beautiful Fall colors. My daughter asked me if I could have one wish, what would I wish for. I replied that one wish wasn't enough because there were too many things I wanted.

When we arrived at her place, I got a call on my cell phone from my friend Tim. Tim is a professional photographer and photography instructer. He had a question about one of the lenses I use.

During our conversation, Tim told me that his four year old grandaughter's cancer had become terminal and the "Make A Wish" foundation was sending her to Disneyland this weekend while she's still strong enough to go. She's expected to go into hospice care in two weeks. She's spent nearly all of her short life undergoing surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment and has never had a chance to go anywhere.

After we hung up I told my daughter that I had changed my mind, one wish would be enough. I made this for Tim.


A.Lovely - Sep 20, 2008 11:37 AM EDT
How compelling Doug. Your telling of your friends grandchild certainly has made your photograph have such much meaning.
Guest - Oct 24, 2006 02:21 AM EDT
Tim's granddaughter had a wonderful time at Disneyland. She died this morning at 3:00 AM. Doug
Guest - Oct 20, 2006 01:11 AM EDT
Hi Shawna, Thank you for your kind thoughts on this. When I create these, like this one and "Tears In Heaven," I only print one, so it remains one of a kind. I frame it and give it to them as a gift. I hope it gives them some small comfort. Best Wishes, Doug
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 11:12 PM EDT
Wow. I'm so touched by this story. I lost my MIL to cancer in April and I can't even begin to imagine the strength this 4 year old has to have endured all the treatments. My heart goes out to your friend, and the whole family. What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing it with us... Sincerely, Shawna
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 09:57 PM EDT
Hi Stephanie and Tania, I appreciate your kind comments and thoughts. Too many children I know have died this year. Doug
Guest - Oct 12, 2006 06:44 PM EDT
You are a most amaising person. Your devotion and love of your friends shows in these thought provoking photos you take manipulate and share with us all. I hope Disneyland is all that this little girl dreams of. Putting a smile on her face would be the most magic thing to see. Thinking of you all
Guest - Oct 09, 2006 12:21 PM EDT
Doug, it is so thoughtful that you make these beautiful tributes for your friends, but sad that it is under such tragic circumstances. I am so sorry to hear about your friends grandaughter. So sad that her short life was spent mostly in hospitals. I am glad she is getting to go to Disney. My thoughts and prayers are with her family. Stephanie
Guest - Oct 07, 2006 04:45 PM EDT
Hi Talsi, Carol and Sparkle, Thank you for your prayers and kind words. Sparkle, I'm currently in the Galena area and will be returning to California (after 6 weeks on the road) on Monday. You live in a very lovely area. I'll be photographing a fair in Galena, at Grant Park, today. Best Wishes, Doug
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 11:30 PM EDT
Beautiful photo which could mean many touching things. I will pray for the granddaughter of your friend Tim. I live in Northwest Illinos.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 01:29 PM EDT
I agree with all the rest here, so very sad for the little girl. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. Carol
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 01:09 PM EDT
Lovely effect. To bad you had to do it under such circumstances. Very sad, indeed. No child should have to go through that.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 12:13 PM EDT
Thank you all for your kind comments. Too many children I know have died this year. I found it a little unnerving that my daughter's question was answered for me in this way. I feel a great sadness for Tim and his family. Best Wishes, Doug
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 04:06 AM EDT
Beautiful composition Doug, thought provoking. Very sad story about your friends grandaughter, I can't imagine. Don
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 03:40 AM EDT
I agree, it's a striking image, Doug, that has a lot of meaning behind it. And how very sad & tragic about the little grand daughter of your friend! It just doesn't seem fair. I know of a young Mom, 25, who has terminal cancer also, and who just had a baby son a few months ago, - it's all just too terrible to imagine what it must be like for these people and their families.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 02:08 AM EDT
What a wonderful collage,and made even more wonderful with the story that goes with it.Very creative, and filled with empathy.

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