Magnolia 1

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These are different to the Magnolia flowers I'm used to. In fact, I'm not sure if thats what they really are. They are a pretty pink though.


Guest - Aug 23, 2005 02:34 PM EDT
Forgot to mention that this is the same as the flower in Magnolia 2. You can quite clearly see the difference in the colour of the underside to the top of the flower. Once open, its only a very pale pink whereas the underside is still bright pink. Very pretty.
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 02:32 PM EDT
You are a walking plant encyclopedia Alandra. It really helps when people like you comment and tell us all about the plants we are shooting. As you know, us girls tend to just photograph it and now know exactly what it is. These magnolias are different again to my sister Shirrees (meridianz) ones. Hers are bigger and have much thicker petals. Those are the ones seen more commonly around here. And the lucky thing has 3 of them in her garden. I really like the white ones but they aren't in flower yet. Got really confused once as I saw somewhere that Magnolias don't lose their leaves and I knew for a fact that these type do. When I saw a picture, it was the white one in my garden they were talking about which I'd never knew existed. Great way to find out the names of my plants/trees. Oops, have just written a novel.
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 12:00 PM EDT
another one I missed earlier somehow. This is really nice, especially the way the contrast of the furry outer part of the bud with the pretty pink flower beside it. we call these "tulip trees" here, but believe they are a type of magnolia. Then there's the "stellata" magnolia, that has white star like flowers on it, with narrower petals. I think that type flowers earliest of the magnolias here. then we also have the type you mention Lulu, with the huge white flower. Those are the later ones here.
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 02:19 PM EDT
Hi Shirree. I was reluctant to put this on because of your shots but couldn't resist as I really liked the colour with the blue sky (which is what I liked with yours remember). When I first moved here, these had leaves only and no flowers. I just about took them out as I didn't really like them. I have two of these and when I saw them flower for the first time, I'm glad I left them. I also have a different variety magnolia with a huge white flower. That doesn't lose its leaves and is not in flower yet. Will get some pics when it is.
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 01:57 PM EDT
This looks similar to some of my magnolia photos (not on TLF), only I know these flowers are much smaller and more delicate than my ones. The small depth of field looks great in this photo. Doesn't the bright blue sky set off the colour of the flowers brilliantly.

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