M51 The Whirlpool

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Member: donwrob
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About This Image

This is Messier object 51, the Whirlpool galaxy. On May 4th the sky was near perfect here for astrophotography and I managed this capture of M51. It is a combination of 20 light images and 3 darks registered and stacked in DeepSkyStacker. The expousures ranged from 90secs each to 7 minutes. ISOs from 400 to 1250. This little guy is an entire galaxy similar to our own Milkyway galaxy. It lies a stagggering 37,000,000 light years away, yep 37 million LY. It is located just about 3 degrees NW from Alkaid, the end of the big dippers handle star. M51s companion galaxy is next to it and known as NCG 5195. This is by far the best luck I've had imaging with the telescope, so many factors are in play, it is not an easy task to get decent images. Thanks for looking. Don


TMR8 - Jun 03, 2008 11:22 PM EDT
Don to see this is one thing but to capture it so clearly is wonderful. keep sharing I can not wait for more.!!!!!!!!
TravlynWomyn - May 11, 2008 01:05 PM EDT
I am so pea-green with envy Don - this is phenomenal and reading how you put it all together is incredible. Applause, applause! Vicki
donwrob - May 11, 2008 09:28 AM EDT
Thanks everyone! It is fascinating stuff to think about isn't it? There is so much up there, a lifetimes worth of looking and it is just a small percent of all that is there. Thanks again for the kind words! Don
Art57 - May 11, 2008 12:28 AM EDT
Amazing picture!
Jas - May 10, 2008 04:12 PM EDT
Words fail me; this is such an awesome capture! Fantastic Don!! :)
lorraine - May 09, 2008 04:59 PM EDT
A beautiful image, very impressive, thanks so much for sharing.
Alfresco - May 09, 2008 03:56 PM EDT
That's some pretty decent optics you've got there! That, combined with a dark sky and excellent operator skill have produced a really impressive image. It looks like M51 is "eating" its smaller companion. I wonder if the process is completed by now in our "real" time. Bruce
whittler113 - May 09, 2008 03:24 PM EDT
WOW!! thats outa this world,great shot.

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