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Our dog Lucky.


Guest - Dec 27, 2006 10:33 AM EDT
Nice composition. I would say Lucky is lucky that you took him in.
Guest - Dec 27, 2006 07:39 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra for the lovely comment. We should get us some hair clippers and do it ourselves.
Guest - Dec 27, 2006 01:02 AM EDT
good to see Lucky again. He looks smart with his harness. Know what you mean about taking them to the groomers, as our little white Bichon hates going there and I hate having to take him there, so we've left it a long time this last time, and I've been trimming his fur best as I can :)
Guest - Dec 26, 2006 05:23 PM EDT
Thanks Lorraine and Mary for the lovely comments. I think Lucky is really quite old. He was a stray that wandered in here and when the owner came to get him he gave him to us and we have had him two years.He weighs about 35 lbs and really loves to eat and sleep,very very friendly dog and never wants to be anywhere that Alex isnt right beside him. Mary when we had Lucky groomed the last time in Nov. I think they must of burned his neck he had a blister there when he got home.Thats why he has a harness now instead of a collar it took a long time to get him healed from that, but he is better now. Makes me not want to get him groomed again but he has to be about every four months.
Guest - Dec 26, 2006 04:27 PM EDT
Lucky looks very well groomed...nice shot.
Guest - Dec 26, 2006 03:52 PM EDT
He still looks like a puppy, has he finished growing, long ears, he looks lovely, thanks for sharing

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