Looking down, then up again

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Member: TravlynWomyn
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Looking down through the intricate wrought iron stairwell of Currituck Light. The outer "mat" is a view from the bottom looking up under the stairs


TravlynWomyn - Jan 06, 2008 06:40 PM EDT
Thank you again for your generous comment, Ikka. It's a beautiful lighthouse on North Carolina's Outer Banks. Vicki
Guest - Jan 05, 2008 01:34 PM EDT
I see it just today and I have to say, just amazing. congratulations.
Guest - Jul 18, 2007 03:15 PM EDT
Thank you, Ikka. I'm pleased that you like it.This stairway was in a beautiful lighthouse. Vicki
Guest - Jul 18, 2007 10:35 AM EDT
a great work, Congratulations!
Guest - Jul 11, 2006 12:13 PM EDT
Thank you, Alex and Jim. I had fun with this one and enjoyed reading the varied comments. We all have different perspectives with our photography and I learn from all the viewpoints noted on many of our entries.
Guest - Jun 25, 2006 06:55 PM EDT
Missed this one earlier as well. Really like it. Great composition, lighting, colors and framing.
Guest - Mar 12, 2006 09:53 AM EDT
This is one I missed. A great design and the lighting is excellent. Another good piece of work Vicki.
Guest - Aug 19, 2005 06:57 PM EDT
Thank you Karen - the primary photo is looking down, where the border is actually looking up!
Guest - Aug 01, 2005 12:06 AM EDT
I really like this. It has such a strong graphic pull that draws the eye. I also think the framing is clever because it repeats the pattern. Very nicely done.
Guest - Jul 23, 2005 12:32 AM EDT
Thank you both for your positive comments. I enjoy hearing the pros and the cons as it's interesting to see the various ways we all look at the great submissions on TLF. I never thought about a snail concept - interesting!
Guest - Jul 22, 2005 04:15 PM EDT
Hi Meridianz, we were writing our comments at the same time :) Maybe it's because NZ has a giant native watersnail we looked at it with the same excitement. We're also used to the curl of our fern fronds, and our stone is greenstone. This is a beautiful sort of shot for our culture :)
Guest - Jul 22, 2005 04:11 PM EDT
LOVE IT! This is a photo I'd love to have on my wall, looking at it for hours. The frame is perfect to me, it's like dappled shadows falling around the stairwell, which is what stairwells do - and it lightens the dark green which could otherwise become oppressive. The circular handles on the window frame, inner are a great feature - incompleted on the right one, leading on into somewhere just like the stairwell itself. Lastly, I don't have vertigo looking at it. It's so much like a snail shell I see it rather more flat than hole-like. This is a wow pic.
Guest - Jul 22, 2005 03:49 PM EDT
This is sooo cool. It makes me think of sea snails. I didn't even notice the outer frame until I read your comment. The picture itself does such a great job of drawing the eye to the centre.
Guest - Jun 16, 2005 08:09 PM EDT
Thank you for all the input - I like to get your impressions and thoughts - especially when experimenting as with this one, so I truly appreciate your taking the time to do so. Graham - one reason I added the reverse stairs was because of the "fall-in" effect, hoping it would mentally reverse it.And, Rekloos, I do have plain version with a simple border which I rather like. Eman - thank you for your encouragement - I learn from all of you and appreciate it enormously! Vicki
Guest - Jun 16, 2005 05:09 PM EDT
Makes me feel like I am going to fall in, great shot but not so sure about the frame. but then again maybe it's right.
Guest - Jun 16, 2005 09:14 AM EDT
i love this shot but i think the border added might take away from the beauty of the shot itself...great work though you've got an interesting eye.
Guest - Jun 16, 2005 08:51 AM EDT
Love the effect, looks great. i would not of thought of that. great shot

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