Little White Dory

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Member: A.Lovely
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I saw this little white boat tied to the wharf. I'm
wondering if it's a Dorhy. If any one on TLF knows, I
would appreciate any info. I'm not that seaworthy.


A.Lovely - Jul 24, 2010 03:30 PM EDT
Hi Talsi. I was going to put rowboat down but there are no oar holders on the side of the boat. There is one paddle and I do hope for the person who uses this boat another on the bottom of the boat. It was peaceful there, Talsi. It was a "blue sky" day and everyone was just looking at the river and some people were getting there boats ready for the next outing. Thank you for viewing this capture and leaving a comment.
talsi - Jul 23, 2010 11:20 PM EDT
Nice peaceful image - I would call it a rowboat
A.Lovely - Jul 23, 2010 04:59 PM EDT
Yes that's right Alan, a dinghy. How about a skip? Is there a boat called a skip? I couldn't find it before posting this image. Oh how it hurts when one has so little knowledge on certain subjects. :-)
bubbalinn - Jul 23, 2010 10:56 AM EDT
Wonderful photo! I enjoyed looking at this photo, great composition and exposure.. I have always liked photos of boats for some reason :) That sure is a really nicely built dock, it should last a long time. Dory is one name, they are also called Dinghy or rowboat. That's all I know, I'm not seaworthy either. ~Alan~

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