Little Sparrow

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Score: 11.27
Views: 130
Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

A little bird visited me while I was in the bistro sipping tea.....


A.Lovely - May 20, 2008 09:14 PM EDT
Jas I thought so too! I was overtaken because I was sitting on the patio and there this sweet little bird was sitting right on my fence. It was a gift....
Jas - May 20, 2008 03:43 PM EDT
Lovely capture of the sparrow Ann; he looks very cute perched on the fence. :)
A.Lovely - May 19, 2008 07:33 PM EDT
Thank you so much Whittler and PaulGray for stopping and commenting on my little "sparrow". I am absolutely new to trying to capture birds. I really need another lens for more clarity.
PaulGray - May 19, 2008 01:57 PM EDT
So very clear. Good chance well taken.
whittler113 - May 19, 2008 01:45 PM EDT
What a nice shot of the little sparrow,very well done.

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