Little Bird

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Member: Pinetree3
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About This Image

Found this bird near sunset on the shores of San Francisco Bay. I have tried in vain to identify it using my bird identification guide. It is either a sandpiper variety, a dowitcher, or sanderling. If you think you know, please comment, I would like to learn what I photograph. Anyway you look at it, it is a cute fella.


Guest - Apr 17, 2006 02:24 PM EDT
Thank you for the detailed explanation, Doug. it's always good to get that kind of input - especially with someone of your talents. It's a terrific piece.
Guest - Apr 17, 2006 05:42 AM EDT
For anyone who is interested, the murky water effect was created by a long exposure of about 1/2 a second. I was experimenting in trying to create a stormy/misty effect as I had seen in another photo: I was hoping to get the bird to look still in a turbulent enviornment. I had only limited success with the effect just getting the water to look murky. I realize now to really acheive the turbulent effect I probably require a neutral density filter. Regardless, I was pleased that the water made a good flat background for the bird image. (Almost as good if not better than a narrow depth of field). The longer exposure however, does not work well with birds who are skittish. I took about 6 practice shots. This is the only one that was successful without blurring from the bird's motion.
Guest - Apr 16, 2006 03:07 PM EDT
WOW!! great shot.
Guest - Apr 16, 2006 02:16 PM EDT
A nicely composed shot, well done.
Guest - Apr 16, 2006 12:12 PM EDT
What a wonderful image, Alex. It strongly resembles a Purple Sandpiper (I have earlier photos of Sanderlings in my gallery, taken on the Atlantic coast last summer which have white underbellies). I looked closer at your photo, but according to my Eastern bird book, the Purple Sandpiper is more common on the east coast, not the west. But anything's possible.
Guest - Apr 16, 2006 05:39 AM EDT
Can't help with the bird but I'm very intrigued with the photo. The water is so soft, and the bird and rock sharp and clear. That's such a fantastic contrast.

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