Lines & Curves - Take 2

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Score: 14.31
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Member: Thor-eye
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Some adjustments as suggested. Your critique once again in really appreciated.


Guest - Jan 10, 2007 03:55 PM EDT
Hi and Thanks Steve & Lulu again for your suggestions. I do have PS Elements, however still learning how to use it fully. I will have another play! Cheers, Mel.
Guest - Jan 10, 2007 12:48 AM EDT
Mel, I like the high contrast of the first one but with a thinner border and without the cabbage touching the border. What Steve is suggesting can be done in Photoshop Elements. You should really get a copy, its loads of fun to work with. Good luck with the contest, its a really great photo.
Guest - Jan 09, 2007 05:33 PM EDT
Hi Mel! I think that the stalk looks better now, but of course you've also now got less contrast in the patterns of the leaves, and that's a pity. I don't know if your Finepix software allows this, but what I'd do is select the stalk area in this version, and feather the edge by about 10 or 20 pixels. Then invert the selection so you're working on all the image except the white stalk. Boost the contrast so that the leaf pattern looks more like it did in your first version. Discard the selection and you should have an image that has the best of both worlds!

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