Lily Up Close

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Member: Lulu
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A photo of my cat Lily but she moved just as I clicked on the shutter. As a result, I only got half of her face so I cropped the other half off to even it out. I love how clear her eye is in this photo.


Guest - Jul 06, 2006 05:02 PM EDT
Hi and thanks Carol. Beauty cannot describe Lily fully. She could never do anything wrong. Scared she was but it just made me take things a little slower with her. We worked up quite a bond just after I got her and she got sick with a very high fever. I had to sponge her down much like a mother cat would lick a sick kitten (though I didn't use my tongue). She grew very fond of both myself and Bianca after that. Yes, we still miss her but have lots of happy memories of her around our house.
Guest - Jul 06, 2006 09:48 AM EDT
Very sorry Lily is no longer with you, such a beautiful cat. Carol
Guest - Apr 20, 2006 04:57 PM EDT
Wow, thanks Jeanette. That has to be the most positive comment I have got! Don't worry, I will never stop shooting. I can see a difference in my photos though as I learn more skills. Thanks for stopping by to comment.
Guest - Apr 20, 2006 09:20 AM EDT
~Wow Great Shot!~ Don't underestimate your skill you have a wonderful talent keep shooting! ~Jeannette~
Guest - Apr 16, 2006 06:40 AM EDT
Whenever I want to remember how beautiful Lily was, I will always look at this photo. For all that don't know, Lily was killed earlier this week. I'm so pleased I took the time to photograph her.
Guest - Aug 22, 2005 05:25 PM EDT
Thanks Vicki. I really appreciate all these positive comments.
Guest - Aug 22, 2005 04:02 PM EDT
No excuses are needed for this gem. it's a great angle!
Guest - Aug 22, 2005 12:39 AM EDT
Thanks KM. I'm lucky this is sharp because like I said, she moved at the last minute. Something scared her (probably her shadow knowing Lily) and she was outta there.
Guest - Aug 22, 2005 12:35 AM EDT
This is so sharp. A great portrait of your feline friend.
Guest - Aug 22, 2005 12:18 AM EDT
Thanks for your comment Mel but Flame is the ginger cat. This is Lily. Mind you, I can't tell your cats apart. Oh wait, one of them has three legs so maybe I can tell them apart.
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 03:43 PM EDT
I love this photo. Flame is a lovely cat and you are lucky he lets you photograph him (must be getting use to it). I too have taken more photo's of my cats which I must post sometime.
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 02:15 PM EDT
Thanks Alandra and Shirree for your comments. I was thinking the cleopatra thing when I looked at this photo of Lily. She has such a pretty coloured eye. Much nicer than Flames I have to say. Alandra, I was trying to get photos of Lily's eyes yesterday too. This photo was taken over a week ago. I realised that when I coudn't get one (as she won't usually let me get close enough during the day) that I already had this one. She sure is a beautiful cat. Pity she is so scared of everything - like a sheep :-)
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 01:58 PM EDT
No wonder the egyptians worshiped them. She almost looks like Cleopatra herself with the beautiful dark eyes. Great shot of Lily!
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 12:10 PM EDT
turned out really well of Lily's eye, Lulu. cats' eyes are so beautiful. Coincidentally, I was trying to get shots of our younger cat's eyes yesterday out front here, without much success : ) He kept closing his eyes and "dozing". Anyway, will send in a couple of what I did get.

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