Lily Cat

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Member: Lulu
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About This Image

This is my shy cat Lily. Can be quite hard to get a photo of her.


Guest - Apr 16, 2006 06:34 AM EDT
Our precious wee Lily is no longer with us. She was killed earlier in the week and we all miss her dearly. I'll always have these photos and have many more that I never put on TLF. She was one in a million.
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 02:22 PM EDT
Thanks Alandra. She is really pretty but like I said, very hard to get a photo of. I think she was spooked as a kitten and its stuck with her for life. She will cuddle up to us, but only on her terms and when its all quiet. I think I mentioned in an earlier photo that when we found her, she had a wonky head and couldn't hold it straight. The vet couldn't say what was wrong. We think she may not be able to smell. Anyway, she has turned out to be a sweet little thing and hopefully will calm down with time as she is only 1 1/2 years old.
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 11:52 AM EDT
what a pretty girl she is.

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