Left Behind

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About This Image

This pretty, sweet cat was left behind by neighbors who moved out of a rental. My neighbor, with her kind heart, is taking care of this poor fellow and several other strays who are often dumped. She has them spayed, neutered, and provides shelter and food. She is in her mid-80s.


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Guest - Jun 28, 2007 08:10 PM EDT
As I write this, "Vern" kitty is snoozing on his bed on my desk. He has his claws. Has one spot on the wall just outside this room where he digs. Big deal. He's worth a few splinters. Wonderful, wonderful affectionate cat.
Guest - Jun 27, 2007 12:31 PM EDT
Beautiful cat .. Beautiful Photo. All I have to say is, he is better off without the scumballs that threw him away! Congratulations to his adoptive family .... you got a WINNER!
Guest - Feb 11, 2007 12:02 PM EDT
"Vern" has been adopted. By me!
Guest - Oct 08, 2006 01:56 AM EDT
Me again. Can I possible send a few cans of food or a case maybe. I forget how much they cost. Glad is only white sand and not snow.
Guest - Oct 07, 2006 07:22 AM EDT
came back to see what others thought about this situation, and have to add that I agree with Karen, as felt the same way about hoping that someone is helping the kind lady with expenses. And I also agree with Janice. The latest stray we took in, has no front claws, so we have to keep him indoors, as he has no defence.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 11:18 PM EDT
Such a beautiful cat. Great shot. But am I ever pissed at whoever deserted this cat. Such cruelty. I hope it has claws and knows how to fend for itself. Many thanks and blessings to your 80 year old neighbor who is taking care of the many strays. She has her seat in heaven.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 10:41 PM EDT
Beautiful close-up of a handsome cat. He reminds me of a stray I adopted years ago-same long hair and color. I hope someone is helping that kind lady with expenses.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 10:16 PM EDT
Very pretty cat capture! I like the look on his/her face. Nice, Don
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 07:31 PM EDT
Such a pretty cat. How unkind so many people are!!, it happens so often too. Bravo to your wonderful neighbour, who is helping with this problem in such a useful way, especially when it comes to having the strays spayed and neutered, which is so very important, so that more unwanted cats don't happen!

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