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Member: Mary Slade
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About This Image

My favourite- piano and guitars. Put one photo on top of another- altered size and transparency. Again really enjoy learning how to do things!

Hoping pictures work OK here now. I think I may have submitted the last one twice by mistake! Seems so long, I forget how to do it!


Guest - May 10, 2006 09:50 AM EDT
Thanks Talsi- pleased you looked and liked!
Guest - May 09, 2006 11:49 PM EDT
Great job on this, and the black and white works .
Guest - Apr 04, 2006 05:56 PM EDT
Thanks for looking and writing Alex. Really pleased you liked these. Wish they were all mine!
Guest - Apr 04, 2006 05:55 PM EDT
Thanks for looking Alandra. I think that you mentioned the blocks before and you were right- I loved them!
Guest - Apr 04, 2006 04:10 PM EDT
Very well done. Love the blending of the two subjects. Works well in B&W.
Guest - Apr 04, 2006 01:24 PM EDT
what a great combination, Mary! And such beautiful guitars! Seeing the piano keys in the background here, reminds me to mention the Memory Blocks by a BC artist, Sid Dickens, he has some wonderful designs in his Memory Blocks (wall plaques) with piano keys on, which am sure would appeal to you. He has a website, if you care to search on Google. We have several of his Memory Blocks, but have yet to display them.
Guest - Apr 04, 2006 01:23 PM EDT
Thanks Mary- Great to hear you like the guitar and piano. The piano is mine. But unfortunately, the guitars aren't! Just a picture of really gorgeous valuable ones. My husband plays guitar and has a few, but not like these!
Guest - Apr 04, 2006 12:52 PM EDT
A beautiful composite of two of my favorite instruments. Very nice. The guitars are beautiful...are they your's?

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