Last of the Tomatoes

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Score: 14.67
Views: 156
Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

Daughter in garden of her mountain top home. Notice the scare crow on the right side of the
garden. Friendly sort I think.


Guest - Oct 26, 2007 06:52 PM EDT
Thank you Shtterbuy for stopping by my photograph. My daughter was looking over her cherry tomatoes to see if they were still good enough to give to Mom.
Guest - Sep 30, 2007 04:37 PM EDT
Lovely photo! Carol
Guest - Sep 29, 2007 10:28 PM EDT
Thanks Alan for stopping by my photo. My daughter was closing the pool for the winter. So I told her she didn't have to smile for the camera today. Alan by the way, if not the Red Sox then who is better?? LOL
Guest - Sep 29, 2007 08:59 PM EDT
What a fun photo with the happy scarecrow in the background and the dog keeping a eye on whats going on.

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