Lake Rotomanu Mt Egmont

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Member: Hellie1
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Taken recently when out for an early morning walk. Middle of winter, not a cloud in the winter sky & the Mountain out in all her glory. The lake was like a millpond, hence the nice reflections, & if you look closely you might be able to make out the three cormorants who were sitting on each corner of the small boat jetty. This is Lake Rotomanu, Mt Egmont, in New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand. :o)


Hellie1 - Sep 05, 2011 04:04 AM EDT
Thanks, Karenmoen. Its similarity to Mt Fuji was one of the reasons they shot the Tom Cruise movie The Last Samurai here. If you go a little further around the coast the view changes slightly, a secondary "bump" out the side from an old eruption called Fantham's Peak. But this is the view I grew up with, so this is how I like MY mountain to look lol. She's a beauty all the same. :o)
Karen Moen - Jul 25, 2011 11:56 PM EDT
Beautiful landscape image. It reminds me of Japan's Mt. Fuji.

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