Labrador Retriever in a Cast, our Lucy

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Member: alandrapal
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Here's Lucy with her cast and her shaved hind quarter, after her cruciate ligament surgery in June 2003. This was just before she turned 3. She has made a great recovery.


alandrapal - Mar 14, 2009 02:47 AM EDT
Hi Janice, no, this was back in 2003. They did a different procedure this time, which was on the other hind leg. She had no bandage on her leg this time. quite amazing.
sparkle1103 - Mar 13, 2009 01:52 PM EDT
Was this the same surgery she just had.
alandrapal - Jul 21, 2008 09:31 PM EDT
dear Nancy, only just found your comment here, from all those years ago. Wish you were still here on earth with us. Miss you. love from Alandra
Guest - Nov 08, 2004 06:10 PM EDT
Poor Lucy that must have been terrible,so glad she is better.Love Nancy
Guest - Oct 18, 2004 08:10 AM EDT
Hello, Alandrapal! What a pity for your dog/ friend! What happened to her? I hope she will recover very soon. Sincerely Yours, Tony!

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