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A Macro on a Kowhai flower, I intend to return to this parklands when in full flower to capture more of its beauty.


Guest - Sep 07, 2005 12:15 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra, Lulu & Shiz for your committed comment making! It's great to have friends and family view and make regular comments. No doubt you all know I love Native flora and fauna. I hope to continue capturing it for the world to see.
Guest - Sep 06, 2005 05:35 AM EDT
Yes, this is a great photo of a kowhai flower. I also have a photo with a kowhai (kowhai nest) in my gallery. This is such a clear and beautiful shot Mel. It's nice to be able to share one of our beautiful NZ natives with the rest of the world!
Guest - Sep 05, 2005 03:56 AM EDT
Alandra, I have these in my gallery also. Kowhai is a native to New Zealand and the word "kowhai" is actually the maori word for yellow. Mel, this is an excellent picture of the kowhai flower. I can see veins in its petals. Mine has a bit too much shadow on it I think. I like this one.
Guest - Sep 04, 2005 01:52 AM EDT
will look forward to more of these images, Mel, when you return to this park. Great macro capture of this unique bud, - unique both in colour and form. Have never heard this name plant/shrub/tree before.

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