Kayak on the Kenduskeag River

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Score: 21.72
Views: 173
Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

Noticed some people approaching the river with their
kayaks to do some practicing for the race later this
month. The river was very foggy and I thought I would
give it a capture.


A.Lovely - Apr 15, 2008 10:00 AM EDT
Talsi thank you for visiting my photograph and making a comment.
talsi - Apr 15, 2008 09:00 AM EDT
Nice foggy image - and the kayaker adds interest.
A.Lovely - Apr 05, 2008 01:56 PM EDT
Thanks Whittler for viewing and leaving a comment.
whittler113 - Apr 04, 2008 01:31 PM EDT
Another very nice river scene,the ice along tells you the water is COLD.
A.Lovely - Apr 03, 2008 09:57 AM EDT
Thanks Alan, Jas and Zoya for commenting on this photograph. It had been a very foggy day and I was out to find something to capture for TLF. Yes, the kayakers were have fun practicing for the race later in the month.
Zoya - Apr 02, 2008 11:26 PM EDT
And how I wish I was on that river.. Looks like a wonderful paddle to be had. well done
Jas - Apr 02, 2008 02:09 PM EDT
This is a very atmospheric shot and very nice to view. Yes, I agree, the kayaker does add a nice touch of colour - I just hope he outruns that fog that's creeping up behind him. :)
bubbalinn - Apr 02, 2008 12:31 PM EDT
Beautiful view of the steamy river. The kayaker adds a nice touch of color and to the story of the photo. The snow is also really nice, you caught it at just the right time. This is a really fun photo to view...
A.Lovely - Apr 02, 2008 10:09 AM EDT
Yes Carol. People are really out and about here in my area. It seems so wonderful after all the snow storms and shoveling.
shutterbug - Apr 02, 2008 05:26 AM EDT
Spring is here when you see the Guys or Gals out with their toys getting ready for their sporting events.Pretty Scene. Carol

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