Just out of Reach

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Member: donwrob
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The same curious doe that was at the birdbath attempting to snag a few seeds from the feeder. It was just slightly out of reach. Thanks for looking, Don


Guest - Dec 02, 2006 10:19 PM EDT
Nice capture.
Guest - Dec 01, 2006 05:09 PM EDT
Another great shot, how does your garden do with them, my grandaughters pet deer loved to prun the rose buds and at one point had a taste for cat biscuits. for all there mischief a lovely animal.
Guest - Nov 30, 2006 08:49 PM EDT
Thank you all for the kind words :-). I'm sure it was more curiousity than hunger. I feed them shell corn every day, so they get plenty to eat. And if I didn't, there are lots of clover and other greens they love to eat in the fields around us. Toni and I enjoy watching them so much that we don't mind spending a few dollars on corn. It's worth every penny to have them visit every day. They are a little skiddish now due to hunting season and only feeding at night. Hopefully things will calm down in a week or so. Thanks again, Don
Guest - Nov 30, 2006 08:46 PM EDT
Very different perspective.It is hard to tell which way is up.I know we are looking under her chin,but if you look down on her she looks like an animal we have never seen.Wonderful picture!!!
Guest - Nov 30, 2006 06:40 PM EDT
what a lovely and unique capture, Don. How pretty the doe is. She must be very hungry to venture to a bird feeder. Am wondering if there's some organization that should be called, that might bring food for her, like the Wildlife people, not sure what the name is in the USA.
Guest - Nov 30, 2006 02:47 PM EDT
Great photo Don!! I really like your composition or view, those eyes and ears sticking out is too cute.
Guest - Nov 30, 2006 02:33 PM EDT
brilliant shot do , i feel alittle sorry for the doe not able to reach i do hope you give her some food .. neat capture thanks for sharing
Guest - Nov 30, 2006 02:11 PM EDT
WOW!! neat shot,She looks hungry,maybe you better invite her to dinner.lol
Guest - Nov 30, 2006 02:11 PM EDT
Great photo, being there at the right time to catch this. Carol
Guest - Nov 30, 2006 01:32 PM EDT
Reminds me of the myth of Tantalus! Unusual and arresting shot! Steve

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